5th International Conference on Communities & Technologies 2011
Important Dates
- 10 December 2010: Full papers and workshop proposals due
- 24 January 2011: Review reports due
- 18 February 2011: Notification of acceptances sent to authors
- 4 March 2011: Camera ready papers due
- 30 April 2011: Workshop papers, Doctoral Consortium and Student Volunteer applications due
- 29 June 2011: Pre-conference workshops and Doctoral Consortium
- 30 June – 2 July 2011: C&T 2011 conference at QUT, Brisbane, Australia
Conference Topics
C&T 2011 welcomes contributions in all areas of community and technology research, design and development. In addition, we particularly invite authors to address any of the following topics:
- Augmented Reality
- Civic Intelligence
- Context and Location Awareness
- Community-centred Design and Evaluation Methodologies
- Community Engagement
- Community Informatics
- E-research with Communities
- E-government and E-governance
- Participation
- Smart Community Services
- Sustainability
- Universal Usability and Accessibility
- Urban Informatics
- Tangible Interfaces for Community Interaction
- Technologies of Scale Making
- Visualisation Techniques
- Working across Cultures
Call for Papers: "Trends and Future of Sustainable Development" 9-10 June 2011, Tampere, Finland
The 13th International Conference organized by Finland Futures Research Centre and Finland Futures Academy at University of Turku will deal with the dimensions of a sustainable future.
Important Dates
- 15 January 2011: Abstract s
Sustainable development is an actual theme on local, regional and global scales and requires multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation. Environmentally, socially and economically sustainable development can only be achieved by encouraging knowledge sharing and cooperation between various sectors and decision makers. The decision made today shapes our future.
The methods of futures studies include tools for describing possible, probable and desirable variations of the present and drafting possible images of the future. By looking at the variety of different possibilities, we can come closer to shaping the future – rather than predicting it. Future studies offer valuable tools to understand and shape the development of our societies. This conference aims to bring together the best experts from the fields of Futures Studies and Sustainable Development and let the scientific community to interact with policymakers and representatives of companies. By developing images of alternative futures, the goal of the conference is to give new viewpoints and novel ideas to decision-makers to assist them towards more feasible decisions and a sustainable development.